We Help Companies Improve Sales Performance
By An Average 73% In Less than 90 Days

PLUS: we pay for your entire sales team to join our program for the first 30 days so they can experience the uplift before you make a longer term commitment

(we just ask you to make a single $1 donation to our chosen charity)
Ranked As The 5th Best Sales Guru In The World, Jason Forrest Is The Author Of 'Warrior Selling' And 'The Mindset Of A Sales Warrior' And The Visionary By FPG.

Our sales increased 60% in the first month

Lance Price
Division President, Westwind Homes

7 signs you are ready for the Sales Warrior Mastery Program:


Struggling to Meet Sales Targets:

If you consistently miss your sales quotas and targets, this course will equip you with the strategies and techniques to boost your performance and close more deals.


Low Conversion Rates:

Are you getting leads but finding it hard to convert them into paying customers? Our course offers proven methods to increase your conversion rates and turn prospects into clients.


High Sales Team Turnover:

Frequent turnover in your sales team can disrupt performance. Learn how to build a motivated and high-performing team that stays.


Lack of Effective Sales Processes:

If your sales process is disorganized or inconsistent, our course will help you implement structured, efficient sales methodologies that streamline operations and improve outcomes.


Difficulty Handling Objections:

Do you or your team struggle with addressing customer objections and concerns? Our training provides practical techniques to overcome objections confidently and effectively.


Inadequate Follow-Up Practices:

If follow-ups are often neglected or ineffective, learn how to create a robust follow-up system that keeps prospects engaged and increases your chances of closing deals.


Poor Client Retention:

If you're losing clients to competitors or struggling to maintain long-term relationships, our course will teach you how to enhance client retention through exceptional service and relationship-building strategies.

How it works - first 30 day trial period

We fund the entire program for every one of your sales team for the first 30 days to show our commitment and to de-risk your investment


Full performance benchmark assessment


One-on-one performance coaching session


Goal-setting session


Custom Script Creation/Review Session


Access to program sales materials


Access to Sales Warrior Academy on App and Desktop

How it works - after the first 30 day trial period

Following the first 30 days, you can choose to renew on a month by month contract.

The ongoing program costs $999 per sales team member, per month.

What's included for every sales person in the monthly program:

Success Stories

See How We’ve Transformed Sales Teams. Check Out Our Client Success Stories!

Excellent Google Reviews Score 4.9 out of 5 based on 115 reviews

Our Leadership Team

Jason Forrest


Mary Marshall

Forrest President and Chief Learning Officer

Matthew Ortiz

VP of Recruiting